Thursday, July 8, 2010

Parque Nacional Iguazu

¡Hola! Here I am at the falls. ¡Such mighty power, such size, such noise! Pienso que fue bonito. There are two hundred and seventy five waterfalls, crashing eighty meters into the Rio Iguazu.
¡I am soaking wet in the top photo as I´ve just been under them! Took a ride in a small boat - under we went! Whoo-wee!! ¡Cold, pummelled, invigorating!
These falls border Argentina and Brazil. We were on the Argentinian side.
¡Am hanging out for some good coffee and chocolate!


  1. Hey Ange!

    This looks amazing. You must be having such and amazing time!!
    Caleb and I ran into Aan and Joni last night and then hung out with them today. Very nice people.
    Keep taking lots of photos and we will keep following. Stay safe and enjoy soaking it all in.

    Lots of love!
    Amy (and caleb)

  2. third attempt at posting a comment duuh
    Hola, looks and sounds wonderful, will keep following the adventures especially as we are stuck inside waiting for the rain to stop, its up to the top of my gummies!!
    Thanks for the vivid descriptions I could almost be there. Bus sounds great especially the bit about the beds, very civilized, we'd imagined you hanging on to a roof clutching a chicken and a back pack, tango on, arohanui, Thingy2

  3. Hi Ang- like Barb we just figured out how to talk to you!! Frustrating set up so hope now we can join in...just finished all reports and feel like freedom is on the move! Lots of swell here and as Barb said "wet"; it has rained all the first week like messy...and apparently more squirmishes coming...Buenos dios Senora! HoHo now you are in the thick of it...All Black v South Africa just starting....going on in the back ground now... you are in the middle of it now, and can only get more exciting, I know you are going to revell in this- keep talking to us all. Have a great day...'till the manana. Have fun.

  4. Ola! Que tal Como ca va? Esta buena? Yo soy envidioso! Enough of this Spanish - got to keep using the dictionary for words por que yo olvidado mucho. Trip looks fantastic. Did you dance the tango? Just got back from Northland but your aventuros are definitely more exciting. Hasta luego.
