Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello everyone!!!! I´ve arrived in Argentina. Flying with Aerolineas Argentina, I travelled 10,324 kilometres to get here, at an altitude of 10,000m, and an average speed of 922 kilometres per hour. The temperature in the atmosphere (or the troposhere) outside the craft was -56 degrees celcius (Brrrrrrrr). I crossed the International Dateline - Argentina is 17 hours behind New Zealand.
My flight was comfortable, thankfully no snorers were within a 5 metre radius. The flight was full, approxiamately 200 people on board. I dozed, ate, listened to music on the airphones and read.

Argentina is a big city. It´s warmer here than what I expected, 22 degrees celcius. I´m loving the city! The buildings are all brick and plaster, with wrought iron features - the spanish influence. The streets are narrow, tree lined, with tall, old buildings either side. I love being surrounded with spanish speakers - the languge flows beautifully, with music-like intonation.
While travelling on the bus to the city I saw a lot of groups of people playing soccer in the parks while their families looked on.
In the city, there an électric´atmosphere. The people are vibrant - they love to sing, play music, talk, and dance. One evening we came across a group of people spontaneously playing drums and other other percussion instruments. ¡People in the streets were dancing - really letting go! The rythmn was hypnotic!
I´m staying in am International Youth Hostel - ¡Yes, I qualify! The building is an old, old house - beautifully restored. It has marbeled floors, tall ceilings, and wrought iron railings. Our bedroom is on the roof-top.I am meeting people from all over the world - Colombia, Ireland, Chile, USA, Australia, and New Zealand. People are friendly and love to talk and share their travel stories.
Today, my sister and I are travelling north to Iguazu Falls - they border Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. Our journey will take 17 hours. We´re travelling by bus - a HUGE bus we can sleep on. ¡It has BEDS! The spanish word for a bus with beds is cama.
I have to go now - my sister is yapping at my heels.

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