Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Copabana - Lake Titicaca

!Hola to you all!

And a very BIG HOLA to all the students and teachers at Nuhaka School. I am missing you all!!! Im having a wonderful time meeting and seeing many interesting people and sights ...... but Ive decided, these no-where like home. Mr Tait told me you have had a lot of rain and cold weather. This last week in Bolivia the weather was so cold during the school holiday, the President said the children were to have an extra weeks holiday.

Room 4, I know you are doing your very best for your teacher. While spending many hours on buses, Ive put together an idea (a loose script even - although Ill need more input from you) of a whole class movie!!! Yippee!!!! Everyone has a part to play! More about that when I get back to school.

Jarki and I spent a day on the Islar del Sol. Its an island in the middle of Lake Titicaca - this lake straddles both Bolivia and Peru. Lake Titicaca is 230km long and 97km wide. Isla del Sol is a legendary Inca creation site and is the birthplace of the Sun in Inca mythology. We saw some of ruins of this great empire.We stood at the site of their most important temple, a temple once covered in pure gold. I stood in awe and looked at the steep, rocky hiills around me - all terraced from top to bottom - every piece of ground used to grow crops. The Inca had used the rocks from the hillsides to build flat land for agriculture. They grew quinoa, corn and many other grains. (My spanish is poor so I had difficulty understanding). The Inca would rotate the land - they would plant for four years then let the land rest for seven. The Inca had three rules -
You must always tell the truth,You must not steal, and everyone must work. If anyone transgressed, broke these rules, their heart was cut out and buried in front of the temple.

On this page you can see me standing in front of a large rock. This is the rock the Inca believe they came from - interestingly, a compass does not work any where near this rock. Hmmm......
Got to go, Ive run out of time at the internet cafe.

Hasta leugo

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, keep them coming. Looks like you have had great weather, even if it has been cold
